3rd International Symposium of SSRE
Date and time:
13:00-17:30, August 28 (Mon), 2023
09:30-15:15,August 29 (Tue), 2023
Venue: 80th Anniversary Memorial Hall, 3F (East Campus) Scope: In this symposium, SSRE (Center for Space Science and Radio Engineering) in UEC invites scientists to present all aspects of experimental and theoretical results in relation with measurement of natural and man-made electromagnetic signals. Scientific results to be useful to monitor and predict the Earth's environment as well as to mitigate different types of natural disasters are also welcome. This is a small but a unique and exciting workshop to exchange ideas and to stimulate new insights to understand the interdisciplinary topics by experts from different research fields. Examples of scientific topics are: -Space weather and solar terrestrial environment Scientific program: August 28 (Mon) 13:00-13:10 13:10-13:30 13:30-13:50 13:50-14:00 14:00-14:20 14:20-14:40 14:40-15:00 15:00-15:10 15:10-15:30 15:30-15:50 15:50-16:10 16:10-16:30 16:30-16:50 16:50-17:10 09:30-09:50 09:50-10:10 10:10-10:30 10:30-10:40 10:40-11:00 11:00-11:20 11:20-11:40 11:40-13:00 13:00-13:20 13:20-13:40 13:40-14:00 14:00-14:10 14:10-14:30 14:30-14:50 14:50-15:10 15:10-15:15
The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan.
-Atmospheric electricity (lightning physics and related electromagnetic phenomena)
-Climate change, hazardous weather and thunderstorm activity
-Lightning damage and protection
-Radio Astronomy
-Electromagnetic compatibility
-Space communications
-Radio Sensing technique
Opening remarks
Director, Office for International Strategy, Prof. ABE Koji
Director, Center for Space Science and Radio Engineering, Prof. HOBARA Yasuhide
Lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere coupling effects based on multi-parameter precursor observations for February-March 2021 earthquakes (M~7) in the offshore of Tohoku area of Japan
Prof. Masashi Hayakawa (Hayakawa Institute of Seismo Electromagnetics, Co. Ltd. (Hi-SEM))
Study of ionosphere modification before large earthquakes-Present and Future
Dr. K.I . Oyama (Kyushu University)
Lightning and Transient Luminous Events observations from the Intenrational Space Station during the ILAN-ES camapign
Prof. Yoav Yair (Reichman University)
Winter lightning strikes to aircraft around Komatsu airport, Japan Sea coastal area
Prof. Koichiro Michimoto (Former Prof. of National Defense Academy of Japan, and retired Col. of Japan Air-self Defense Force)
The Newly Designed Lightning Location System Named LENTRA
Dr. Mikihisa Saito (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry)
Extraction of Weather Information from Radar Signals
Prof. Madhu Chandra (Chemnitz University of Technology,Department of RF-Technology.)
Observations of summer thunderstorms with X-band dual polarized phased array weather radar and LF/MF band lightning location system
Prof. Hiroshi Kikuchi (SSRE,UEC)
Water vapor lidar observation for improving of local severe rainfall forecast
Dr. Satoru Yoshida (Meteorological Research Institute)
Group photo
Prediction of Downbursts Using Machine Learning of Total Lightning and Ground Precipitation Data in Japan
Prof. Yasuhide Hobara (SSRE,UEC)
Analysis of tweek-atmospherics based on measurements at three remote locations
Dr. Alexander Shvets (UEC)
August 29 (Tue)
Applications of Stokes Vector based Data Interpretation for Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar
Prof. Fang Shang (UEC)
Microwave Quantitative and Qualitative Imaging for Non-destructive Evaluation Applications
Prof. Shouhei Kidera (UEC)
Development of wideband heterodyne receivers for radio astronomy
Prof. Takeshi Sakai (SSRE,UEC)
Characteristics of bolt-from-the-blue lightning observed in Japan
Dr. Namiko SAKURAI (National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience)
The Monitoring Vibrations and Perturbations in the Lithosphere, Atmosphere, and Ionosphere (MVP-LAI) system: establishments, observational findings, and future plans
Prof. Chieh-Hung Chen (China Univeristy of Geosciences, Wuhan)
Tonga eruption-induced disturbances in lithosphere, atmosphere, and ionosphere and their coupling
Prof. Yang-Yi Sun (China Univeristy of Geosciences, Wuhan)
New Projects in High-Energy Atmospheric Electricity
Prof. Sebastien Celestin (LPC2E, University of Orleans, CNRS)
Development of Balloon-Borne Instrumentation for High-Energy Atmospheric Electricity
Mr. Yanis HAZEM (LPC2E, University of Orleans, CNRS)
Study of the conditions of production of TGFs using self-consistent modeling
Mr. Pierre GOURBIN (LPC2E, University of Orleans, CNRS)
An identification of electron density profile in the lower ionosphere by using a temporal variation of VLF earth-ionosphere waveguide propagation
Mr. Toshiyuki Irie (UEC)
Total lightning and heavy precipitation characteristics associated with TSs : Early prediction possibility
Ms. Debrupa Mondal (UEC)
Modeling Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling on Gravity Waves at Two Adjacent VLF Networks during Typhoon using FDTD Method
Mr. Antrisha Setiawan (UEC)
Closing remarks
Prof. Hiroshi Kikuchi